Trip to PARIS with different methods of transport
Travel to Paris by Train
One of the most legendary capitals in Europe, Paris is a must-see, with its long traditions of history art and culture. Paris is one of the most popular & enduring tourist destinations in the world what is it about this city that appeals to us all? It is the beauty of a city with more parks, gardens & squares than any other in Europe?
Could it be those romantic bridges over the Seinr that street lamps reflected in the ancient river?
From an average of £79,50 per person
Tuesday 11 Decemeber 2012 DURATION 2h37m
Departing 05:40 London st Pancras
Arriving 09:17 Paris Nord
Wednesday 12 December 2012 DURATION 2h36m
Departing 16:13 Paris Nord
Arriving 17:39 London st Pancras
Travel By Ferry

Tuesday 11 December 2012 DURATION 6h45m
Departing 08:15 Portsmouth
Arriving 15:00 Caen
Wednesday 12 December 2012 DURATION6h45m
Departing 16:30 Caen
Arriving 21:15 Portsmouth
Travel by Coach
Monday 17 December 2012 DURATION 8h30m
Departing 08:00 London Victoria coach station
Arriving 16:30 Paris ( Gallieni) France
Wednesday 19 December 2012 DURATION 7h
Departing 08:30 Paris (Gallieni) France
Arriving 15:30 London Victoria coach station
Travel by plane
Travel from London to Paris only with £165 with maximum guarantee of being treated well with the highest attention of the staff and the best products you could ever be served with.
Monday 17 December 2012 DURATION 2h20m
Departure 18:40 London
Arriving 20:50 Paris Charles de Gaulle
Wednesday 19 December 2012 DURATION 10m
Departure 21:50 Paris Charles de Gaullr
Arriving 22:00 London
Travel to Paris with EASYJET and you would never regret it with only £105
Monday 17 December 2012 DURATION 2h20m
Departure 18:50 London Luton
Arriving 21:10 Paris Charles de Gaulle
Wednesday 17 December 2012 DURATION 15m
Departure 10:05 Paris Charles de Gaulle
Arriving 10:20 London Luton