Thursday 13 December 2012

Trip to PARIS with different methods of transport

Travel to Paris by Train

One of the most legendary capitals in Europe, Paris is a must-see, with its long traditions of history art and culture. Paris is one of the most popular & enduring tourist destinations in the world what is it about this city that appeals to us all? It is the beauty of a city with more parks, gardens & squares than any other in Europe? 
Could it be those romantic bridges over the Seinr that street lamps reflected in the ancient river?                        

From an average of £79,50 per person
                                                    Tuesday 11 Decemeber 2012            DURATION 2h37m  
      Departing 05:40 London st Pancras
      Arriving 09:17   Paris Nord

                                                    Wednesday 12 December 2012         DURATION 2h36m
     Departing 16:13 Paris Nord
     Arriving    17:39 London st Pancras

 Travel By Ferry

Image depicting Brittany Ferries Homepage From an average of  £358 per person

                                                   Tuesday 11 December  2012                  DURATION 6h45m
    Google Map OUTBOUND
          Departing  08:15 Portsmouth
           Arriving   15:00 Caen

                                                    Wednesday 12 December 2012             DURATION6h45m        
     Departing 16:30 Caen
     Arriving    21:15 Portsmouth

Travel by Coach

From an average of £52 per person + 2 nights in Les Etangs de Corot Hotel in paris for only £157

Monday 17 December 2012           DURATION 8h30m

     Departing 08:00 London Victoria coach station
     Arriving   16:30  Paris ( Gallieni) France

                                                     Wednesday 19 December 2012              DURATION 7h
     Departing 08:30 Paris (Gallieni) France
     Arriving    15:30 London Victoria coach station

Travel by plane

Travel from London to Paris only with £165 with maximum guarantee of being treated well with the highest attention of the staff and the best products you could ever be served with.

                                              Monday 17 December 2012               DURATION 2h20m  

    Departure 18:40 London
    Arriving 20:50 Paris Charles de Gaulle

                                           Wednesday 19 December 2012               DURATION 10m

     Departure  21:50 Paris Charles de Gaullr
             Arriving     22:00 London

Travel to Paris with EASYJET  and you would never regret it with only £105

                                           Monday 17 December 2012                DURATION 2h20m

 Departure 18:50 London Luton
          Arriving    21:10 Paris Charles de Gaulle

                                            Wednesday 17 December 2012              DURATION  15m     


Departure 10:05 Paris Charles de Gaulle
         Arriving   10:20 London Luton


Thursday 15 November 2012

The internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. Accoding to Internet World Stats, as of December 31,2011 there was estimated 2,267,233,742 internet users worldwide. This represents 32.7% of the world's population.

This are problems you might have when using the internet:
A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowlede and runs against you wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are man-made. a simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all avaible memory and bring the systemto a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across netwrok and bypassing security systems.
Viruses can get on to your computer through
  • Visiting certain websites
  • Opening emails downloading attachements or content from the Internet
  • using infected protable storage devices such as memory sticks, CDs, DVDs
  • Connecting to an infected hard disk.
A Spyware is any software that covertly gathers user information through the user's Internet connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes. Spyware applications are typically bundled as a hidden component of freeware or shareware programs that can be download from the internet howeve it should be noted that the majority of shareware and freeware applications do not come with spyware. Once installed, the spyware  monitors user activity on the Internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else. Spyware can also gather information about e-mail addresses and even password and credit numbers.

A cookie is a small file which stores information related to your internet activity and then reports this back to the website server.
Cookies are used legimately by website creators to enable websites to be customised for individual users.
For example, if you go on the BBC website, you can customise the hompage, and the next time you visit the site the layout will appear as you have set it.
However, cookies can ucause problems such as pop-ups being generated or details like passwords stored which could be used by hackers.

The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The email directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user information.

Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, or quasi-legal services. Spam costs the sender very little to send -- most of the costs are paid for by the recipient or the carriers rather than by the sender.

It is important to keep the information that is stored on your computer secure. Hackers are people who try to get access to your computer withouth your permission in order to steal information which they could use for malicious or criminal purposes.
Using peer-to-peer software could increase the risk of hackers accessing data stored on your computer.

Identity Theft is a crime whereby criminals impersonate individuals, usually for financial gain. In todays;s society, you often neeg to reveal personal bits of information about yourself, such as social security numbers, a signature, name, address, phone numbers, and even banking and credit card information. If a thief is able to access this personal information, he or she can use it to commit fraud in  your name. With this information the thief could do things such as apply for loans or new credit card accounts. They can then request a billing address chnage and run up your existing credit card without you knowledge. They can also use counterfeit checks and debit cards, or authorize electronic transfer in your name, to wipe out your bank account.

This is a list of how we can protect ourselves from this risks:
  • Copyright
  • Patents
  • Trade Marks
  • Other protection

    A Copyright protects the form of expression of a creator against copyin. literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works are included within the protection of U.S copyright law. The USPTO does not register copyrights, are the copyrights office does not.
    Copyright protection is  given to the authors of "original works of authorship, " including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and certan other intellectual works. This protection is available for both published and unpublished works.
    The owner of copyright has the exclusive right to do and to authorize others to do the following:
    • Reproduce the work in copies or sound recordings.
    •  Make derivative works based upon the original.
    • Distribute copies or sound recordings of the original to the public by sales, rentals, leasing, lending or licensing.
    • Perform the original publicly: and that would include the use of digital audio.
    • Display the original publicly.

    A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a government to an invento or applicant for a limited amount of time (normally 20 years from filing date). It is a legal document defining ownership of a particular area of new technology.
    Patents are Granted in over 150 countries and are predicted on the theory that inventors are more likely to invent and disclose that knowledge to the public in exchange for a limited period of exclusivity. the right granted by a patent excludes all other from making, using or selling an invention or products made by an invented process.

    Trademarks is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or ohter legal entity to identify for consumers that the products or services on or with wich the trademark appears orignate from a  unique source, designated for a specific market, and to distinguish its products or services from those of ohter entities.

    Wednesday 14 November 2012



    Vintage mobile phones                                         
    Although most of us feel like we couldn't live without our mobile phones, they've not really been in existence for long. In fact, mobile phones as we know them today have only been around in the last 10 to 15 years.


    Mobile phones particularly the smatrphones that have become our inseperable companions today, are relatively new. However, the origin of the mobile phone goes bakck to 1908 when a US Patent was issued in Kentucky for a wireless telephone.
    The story of the modern mobile phone really begins in the 1940s when engineers working at AT&T developed cells for mobile phone based stations.
    The very first mobile phones were not really mobilephones at all. They were two- way radios that allowed people like taxi drivers and emergency services to communicate. Instead of relying on base stations with seo=perate cells (and the signal being passed from one cell to another), the first mobile phone netwroks are often referred to as 0G mobile phones, or Zero Generation mobile phones. Most phones roday rely on 3G or third-generation mobile technology.


    A Motorola employee called Martin Cooper is widely considere to be a key player in the history of mobile phones, inventing the first mobile phone that was for practical use. Handsets that could bet used in a vehicle had been developed prior to Martin Cooper's phone, but his was the first usable truly portable mobile telephone. Cooper made mobile phone history in April 1973 when he made the first ever call on a handheld mobile phone



    • Japan became first country to have a city-wide commercial cellular mobile phone network in 1979
    • The Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) system launched in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and finland in 1981.
    • The next major step in mobile phone history was in the mid eighties with the First Generation (1G) filly automatic cellular networks were introduced.
    • The first ever mobile phone to be approved by the FCC ( Federal Communications Commission) in the USA was the Motorola DynaTac in 1983.

    Mobile telephony developed on lieaps and bounds over the next decade, particularly with the arrival of handover technology. This allowed users to keep their connections as they travelled between base stations- so as a user walked from one mobile phones mast to another, the conversation woul not drop or be interrupted.
    The birth of the Second Generation (2G)  mobile phones was in Finland in 1993. It was also the year that the first SMS text messages were sent and that data services began to appear on mobile phones.
    Mobiles that we use today are 3g mobiles or third generation mobiles. 3G launched in 2001 and allowed operators to offer a huge range of advanced services such as video calling and HSPA data transmission.
    Now the UK market has matured there are several network providers competing for business. These include:
    • Three
    • O2
    • Orange
    • Tesco Mobile
    • T Mobile
    • Virgin Mobile
    • Vodafone
    Microsoft have announced that their veteran web-based messaged client will become unavailable from this Tuesday, June 30. The service has offered access to their popular instant messaging network through a web browser for the past five years
    Since early this year  a newer replacement service for MSN Web Messenger has been available as part of Windows Live Hotmail, featuring direct integration with the email interface and your contact list (known as Windos Live Messenger). This will now become the only officially supported web-based client for accessing the Windows Live Messenger network, apart from the Windows Live Messenegr Web Toolkit which allows developers to integrate messaging controls into their own websites.
    The new web messenger service is available directly from your Hotmail Inboxand acts as another location for Messenger's multiple points of presence (MPOP) feature, meaning that you can sign into the web service whilst still signed into the Windows Live Messenger client on one or more computers. Once signed in, it allows you to easily see which of your contacts are online and if the sender of an email is in your contact list then you can even see if they are available to chat when reading their message. If your Live ID doesn't use Hotmail for its email (as it is hosted on another domain) then you can still access the web messenger in a similar way through Windows Live People
    MSN Web Messenger is one of the last  remaining MSN branded web applications still available, with other online services such as Hotmail and software such as Messenger itself having moved having moved to the Windows Live brand several years ago, so it's good to see this outdated service finally being retired. As Ars points outMicrosoft MoneyMicrosoft Encarta and Windows Live OneCare are also all set to be discontinued from June 30.
    TASK 1.21

    Find out the differances between IMAP4 and POP3. Write a brief description of how each protocol works.


    Each time you get your e-mail using Inbox, you are using an Internet standard protocol to retrieve your e-mail from the mail server. This protocol defines the Inbox features and capabilities, and how you interact with your mail server. The Pocket PC supports both POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) and IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol version 4) protocols for retrieving e-mail. Once you dial your ISP or corporate network to access e-mail, these protocols facilitate the download. Let's look at what POP3 and IMAP4.


    The IMAP4 protocol provides the ability to download e-mail messages to your Pocket PC. You can control whether e-mail messages are synchronized with your mail server. You can choose to store e-mail in separate folders, and you can select whether or not to synchronize a specific folder. You can even, if you wish, download mail one message at a time.


    The POP3 protocol provides the ability to download e-mail messages to your Pocket PC. You can control whether the whole message is downloaded, or whether the messages are then deleted off your e-mail server. You can compose messages offline and send them. However, you cannot synchronize your e-mail directly with your mail server. In addition, POP3 does not support multiple folders for e-mail. All e-mail is received in the same folder.
    • High possibility of learning disorders, because this system let students to learn independently, causing the lazy students pnly receive materials from students who deligently seek information. For example teacher put some note in blog and let student read and take a note from there.
    • The facilities are still insufficient, especially in rural areas who do not have basic amenities and student from poor family didnt have a pc or connection to the internet. Si it also make learning process difficult.
    • Learning does not occur in a face to face or two way communication, even it happened, in a very little situation.
    • Lack of control of the instructor. student doing their homework by themeself. While surfing, they have also access to other website and not doing their homework better.
    • Students can create problems themselves by signing up for online classes without having the basics such as an email address or an account with an Iinternet Service Provider.
    • Internet students are put at a disadvantage when it comes to networking and forming new relationships. Students can get to know each other over the net however it does not replace the bond that is formed from face-to-face meetings.
    • Higher prices for Interenet based learning can discourage students from this method of learning. Actually comaprisons of different colleges have proven that some institutions are chrging students twice the tuition to do Internet courses. Standford unicersity is known for charging its online students $45,000 in tuition compared to $26,000 for an engineering master's degree.


    Some of us have simply had it with cell phone use in public places. In April 2010, Florida Circuit Judge Anthony Johnson ordered a mobile phone owner to toss her phone in the garbage after it rang in his courtroom. Many behaviors stemming from lack of consideration for others have led to bans on cell phone use in businesses and public places.
     In airplanes and hospitals, cell phones can interfere with the functioning of delicate instruments, a serious consideration. Many states have banned cell use while driving, citing a relationship between phones and traffic accidents. A 1997 "New England Journal of Medicine" study found that talking on a phone while driving quadrupled the risk of an accident, nearly equal to the danger from driving drunk.

    In airplanes and hospitals, cell phones can interfere with the functioning of delicate instruments, a serious consideration. Many states have banned cell use while driving, citing a relationship between phones and traffic accidents. A 1997 "New England Journal of Medicine" study found that talking on a phone while driving quadrupled the risk of an accident, nearly equal to the danger from driving drunk.
    Often cell phone users will multitask, attempting to carry on a conversation while using an ATM, driving or completing a store transaction. Their divided attention becomes an obstruction to the cashier and an inconvenience to those behind them, who must wait longer.
    CONS: SAFETY Some argue that having 911 available at the touch of a button is critical to maintaining personal security. Cell phone bans impede drivers' ability to report an accident, road rage incident, medical emergency or crime. Drivers assert the importance of calling for directions if lost or receive help if their car breaks down

    Genuine emergencies do occur, and some calls truly cannot wait. People who have sick or elderly family members, parents expecting an important call from their child, and those in the midst of a crisis believe it's acceptable to leave their phones on in public
    Some Americans believe they have a right to talk on their phones under the First Amendment, and that cell phone bans intrude on their personal freedom. As they pay a high monthly price for this communication option, they believe they can use the devices wherever and whenever they choose
    TASK 1.19
    Discuss with your patner what you would do in the following situations:

    a) You have been chatting with another girl and you want to meet up?
    Answer: well i think the best thing to do is to go with someone, because even though you've been chatting with th person for quite long it still remains the fact that you don't know the person.

    b) You are on a social network site and see a rude picture
    Answer: if I should see a rude picture on a social network i'll probably go away from the page and avoid seeing it.

    c) You see pictures of someone that you do not get on with on a social networking site. There is an option for you to write something underneath the picture.
    Answer: I wouldn't write underneath the picture because it will be so immature of me.

    d) You notice tha one of your friends has not protected their website, giving anyone access to see what is on their profile.
    Answer: If i notice that one of my friends has not protected his website i will advice him him to do so and explain the dangers of not protecting profiles on social networks.

    e) Your friend uses IM  and webcam to talk to other friends. There is one person she chats to who never turns on his webcam, making the excuse that it does not work.
    Answer: I would advice my friend to stop chatting with that person or stop videocalling with the person because it might be dangerous.
    Instant messaging and VoIP are great for communicating with just a few people, but what if you want to communicate with large numbers of people?
    Ruby likes to use social networking sites. These websites are specially designed to bring together people who share interests. They also enable users to connect with friends, family and colleagues online. They ,provide a range of ways for users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video,voice,file, sharing, blogging and discussion roups. Users can play games and quizzes th BGF BNMM  at allow them to share information with each other.
    Sociak networking is very popular; the websites are used by millions of people all over the world every day. Popular social networking sites include facebook MySpace, Bebo and Twitter. Some sites allow users to personalise their own space by adding photos, links and blogs, and by adapting the layout to their own individual style.

    Early social networking websites started in the form of generalized online communities such as THE WELL (1985), (1994) and (1995). These early communities focused on bringing people together to interact with each other through chat rooms, and share personal information and ideas around any topics via personal homepage publishing tools which was a precursor to the blogging phenomenon. Some communities took a different approach by simply having people link each other via email addresses.These sites included (1995), focusing on ties with former school mates, and (1997), focusing on direct ties. User profiles could be created, messages sent to users held on a "friends list" and other members could be sought out who had similar interests to yours in their profiles (Boyd & Ellison 2007, p.3).Similar features had existed in some form before came about, but this would be the first time these new developments (that would later catch on and become immensely popular), the simply wasn't profitable and eventually shut down and bought up PlanetAll. It was even described by the websites's owner as "simply ahead of its time". New social networking methods mwere quickly developed by the end of 1990s which changed the social networking enabled the graphing of user's own social network-thus linking social networks and social networking became the largest and fastest groqing site in the world, not limited by particular geographical followings


    • Social networks are boredom killers are especially for students during vacations and even elderly people who are retired from their jobs.
    • Through Social ads and fans page you can advertise your business. For example facebook offers a very customizable ads placement service, which is also very easy to use and cost effective. Its ads allows you to target people of specific ag, geographic location, interests, etc making your ads most useful and effective.
    • Kids can gain social confidence from interacting with other people online, which may help them feel more secure in new situations such as going to college, joining a sports team and meeting new friends.

    • You are putting out information about your name, location, age, gender, and many other types of information that you may not want to let others know. Most people would say be careful, but no one can be certain at any given time. As long as people can know who you exactly are, then some can find ways to do you in.
    • You are putting out information about your name, location, age, gender, and many other types of information that you may not want to let others know. Most people would say be careful, but no one can be certain at any given time. As long as people can know who you exactly are, then some can find ways to do you in.
    • In addition to the above it's worth considering how your child may be impacted emotionally by frequent usage of social networking sites. Some experts have warned that sites such as Facebook and Bebo can have a negative effect on children who are less confident and self-assured, as they can equate their happiness and success as individuals with how many friends they have on Facebook. Even if a child isn't being bullied as such, they can experience self-esteem issues if their online network isn't as big as their friends, or they have been excluded from a certain online group.
    • Unfortunately some users can harness social networking sites to carry out 'cyber-bullying' where malicious comments are posted online about an individual and/or that user receives abusive messages or other content. Some tech-savvy users may even be able to hack into another user's account to harass them so it's important your child is aware of these dangers and understands they must be reported as soon as possible. As social networking allows people to take on a different online persona, this can encourage individuals who wouldn't be a bully in the real world to take part in unpleasant activities because their real identity can be covered up.

    Tips for staying safe on social networking sites

    • Ensure your child is the minimum age required to join a social networking site.
    • Never give out personal details such as addresses or mobile phone numbers on social networking sites. It's also best if your child doesn't use their real name on their profile.
    • Be very wary of accepting friends who you do not know personally.
    • If your child is the victim of any form of harassment or abuse, ensure you keep a record of all communication to pass over to the relevant bodies.
    • Try to use a 'disposable' email address for registering with social networking sites and avoid using your real name for the address. Hotmail or Yahoo! provide free email addresses.

    Thursday 25 October 2012

    instant messaging diagram
    This is a form of real time communication between tro or more peole that enables them to have a "virtual" conversation. IM involves" talking" to someone in real time by typing and receiving messages.

    It is popular because it allows:
    • Quick and easy communication in real time
    • People to work collaboratively and discuss their vies
    • The user to see who is onlineand decide if the want to engage ina conversation- you able to set the status so tha people know if you are avaible to talk or busy
    • use through ceratain mobile phones, PDAs and other portable devices.
    • You need Internet access to use IM
    • If the connection is slow, tjis could impact on the real time feature.
    • Overuse of IM could result in less face-to-face contact with people.
    • People may misunderstand information as it lacks emotion- to combat this, emoticons have been invented.
    • if you use text language  regularly, it could affect your writing skills.
    • You may prefer to chat rather than type a message.

     A VoIP diagram
    This is similar to IM on a computer, but sound rather than text is sent. It is just like making a telephone call.
    Ruby's friends were getting large phones bills using their mobiles, so the switched to suing VoIP.
    They can use this feature when they have access to the Internet on their computers or in some cases on their mobiles. They  can now talk witout running up huge phone bills.
    To use VoIP through a computer you need a headset or speakers and a microphone, and a webcam if you wish to stream video to the other caller. Mobile phones must have a 3G or mobile internet connection,if you are using a landline phone, it needs to be plugged into the Internet router.
    Making calls this way is free, even international ones, but some VoIP service providers charge a membership or monthly fee.

    • A slow Internet connection can cause  a delay in the sound begin received by the callers- this is known as latency and may spoil the experience. 
    • VoIP will only work with an internet connection. If the Internet service provider (ISP) or the VoIP service provider is temporarily unavailable,then calls cannot be made.
    • VoIP designed to be used from anywhere in the world. Users do not have a geographical telephone number, e.g, area code then numbe. When people dial 999 from a home phone or a mobile, the emergency services can track down the signal, but with VoIP this is not always possible and could be a problem 

    Wednesday 24 October 2012

    Buying a computer 

    Processor (CPU)
    This is the brains of the computer- it does all the calculating. The number of a calculations it carries out (processes) is measured in gigahertz (GHz).The higher the processing  speed, the faster the computer but the more power it uses. This is an important consideration when buying a portable device.
    This is usually refers RAM (Random Access Memory), which is the temporary ,memory that the computer uses. RAM is used to run the programs that are open on the computer.The higher the RAM, the more programs you  can have open at any one time and the faster thei will respond. If the power fails, the temporary memory is lost - that's why you lose unsaved work when the coputer is switched off. You need to consider what you will be using your computer for, as graphics and videos require more RAM.
    Hard Drive Size
    The hard drive is the primary storage area of the computer. It is where the software, files and data are kept and where they are retrieved from. The size of the hard driv is measured in bytes - usually in gigabytes. The bigger the hard drive, the more data can be stored.
    Wireless enabled
    This allows the device to pick up WiFi signals, enabling you to connect to a network, connect devices together and access the Internet without wires. Data exchanged wirelessly is slower than data travelling a though cable. This is beacause data can be distorted as it travels through the air by other signals and interference travelling though the same air space. This can cause unwanted glitches and freezes in programs.
    Sometimes signals may not be able to travel through walls, or certain locations may be out of range. This is an important consideration when using WiFi - the alternative is to use a cabled connection.
    USB Connection
    USB ( Universal Serial Bus) is the most common method of connecting devices to a computer.
    Because many perifherals use this type of connection, it is good if the computer has many USB ports.
    Sound Card/Graphics Card
    These are devices that fix to the computer's main circuit (the motherboard), allowing computers to play and record sound and display graphics. Different cards will enhance the sound and graphics, so if you use a lot of graphics, videos, music or games, this is an important factor to consider.
    Card/Graphics Card Optical Drive
    The optical drive uses lasers to read data encoded on CDs and DVDs. This allows you to install software, listen to music and watch films with ease. Some optical drives also allow CDs/DVDS to be written (burned)-
    this is useful if you want to transfer information from your device.

    source: Edexcel GCSE Book ICT Students

    4G Fourth Generation Of Mobile Phone
    In Telecommunications 4G is the fourth generation of mobile phone mobile communications standards. It is a successor of the third generation  (3G) standards. A 4G system provides mobile ultrabroadband Internet access, for example to laptops with USB wireless modems, to smartphones, and to othe mobile devices conceivable applications include amended mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high definition mobile TV, video conferencing and 3D Television. Recently, Android and Windows enabled cellular devices have fallen in 4G category. One base advantage of 4G is that it can at any point of travelling time provide an internet data transfer rate higher than any existing cellular services (excluding broadband and Wi-Fi connections)

    The current 3G mobile network handle both voice and data seperately. One of the most significant changes to the the most significant changes the 4G network that is a network, transfering Internet Protocol (IP) data packets. A completely data based will allow for more bandwith which means more data can be passed thryouh the network.
    In october 2010, the ITU set the standard for 4g Networks to have a peak data download speed of 100 Megabits per second in mobile applications such as mobile phones and roaming network devices and 1 Gigabit per second in local ficed locations.
    Current 3G network technology range is approximately 10 miles under optimum conditions 4G candidate WiMAX currently has a range of up 31 miles under optimum contions.
    Though current 3G networks do have the abiliti to transfer data, when a user leaves a 3G coverage area for another, the data transger may be halted or stopped due compability issues. The improved 4G network standards will eliminate this, allowing for smooth hand off from one coverage area to another without interruption to any ongoing data transfers.This will result in smooth streaming data for the user.
    Unlike current 3G smartphones and netbooks, which are light in processing power, 4G network devices can take advantage of the higher bandwith and speeds to deliver more robust and data heavy applications. One of the most anticipated uses of the 4G network is to be able to deliver high definition digital television to a handheld device. Other anticipated applications include portable online gaming, improved GPS and telemedicine.

    Friday 19 October 2012

    Task 1.11
    would a desktop or a portable computer be most suitable for the following people, and why?


    A teacher is a person who provides education for pupils and students.
    So a teacher could use a desktop or a portable computer. It wouldn't be a an issue in his or her work.

    News reporter

    A news reporter is a person who presents news during programms in the format of a television show, on the radio or the internet.
    a PDA would be more suitable for a news reporter because their job is stagnant and a PDA will be more convenient for communication.

    Website designer 

    A website designer is a broad term covering many different skills and disciplines that are used in the production and maintanance of websites. The different areas of web design include; web graphic design, iinterface design, authoring; including standardised code and proprietary software, user experience design and search engine optimization.
    Web design software should be equipped with an array of graphic imaging tools that allows you to customize and enhance images for your site. 
    It should be able to crop, resize and compress images directly in the software without the use of a third-party application. Additionally, the software should have an image library full of graphics, clip art and photographs that you can freely use.

    They should use laptops.

    Doctor (in a GP)

    A doctor should use a desktop.

    Which kind of computer?

    Type of Computers

    Laptop- a portable computer designed to fit on th lap (although most people use them on a table or desk). It carries out the same functions as a desktop computer but in a compact version that is alight enough to be carried around
    Notebook- similar to a laptop but even more compact. The name comes from its small size, comparing it with the size, comparing it with the size of a notebook.

    Netbook- similar to a notebook but designed mainly for wireless communication via email, messaging and access to the internet.
    A netbook is usually cheaper and has a lower specification compared to laptops and notebooks. They increasingly have a solid state memory.

    Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)- a portable device that is small enoughg to hold in the palm of a hand. It usually contains address book, note-making features, telephone and Internet facilities. It allows data to be exchanged with computers.

    Desktop computers are probably the type of computer you are most familiar with. They come with a monitor (now usually a TFT screen), keyboard, mouse, CD-RW and a DVD-RW or at least a DVD-ROM

    Mainframe computers are very large powerful computer systems that are usually at the heart of a business. The mainframe computer will have a very powerful processor, large amounts of main memory and a huge backing storage capacity. They are accessed through one or more terminals. Terminals consist of a screen, keyboard, mouse but no processor as all the processing is done by the mainframe.

    Ipad The iPad is a tablet computer produced by the marketing geniuses over at Apple

    The Amazon Kindle is a series of e-book readers produced by Amazon Kindle enable users to shop for, download, browse, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other digital media via wireless networking.[1] The hardware platform, developed by subsidiary Lab126, began as a single device and now comprises a range of devices — most using an E Ink electronic paper display capable of rendering 16 tones to simulate reading on paper while minimizing power consumption.

    Task 1.9
    Concernes about 10 year old having a mobile phone.

    Children at the age of 10 and under are not meant to have a mobile phone beacuse the health effects about mobile phone radiation on children is worrisome.
    Not only that but might get addicted to texting and it can cause so many things like ruining grammer and some scientists even say it causes cancer.
    There are so many risk around using mobile phones at that age and they might be able to
    manage the situation, so children at the age of 10 and under SHOULD NOT have a mobile phone

    Task 1.10
    Ruby's parents would like you tol help them make up their minds by finding out the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.


    • It is an easy way to communicate with anyone no matter the where you are
    • They can be used worldwide
    • It is useful for emergencies
    • You can be always connected
    • It assists in business


    • Use of mobile phone can be addictive
    • Mobile phone waves maybe harmful to our health
    • Some people use bluetooth and cameras in bad ways
    • In order to get up-to-date. People tend to change their mobile phones to often
    • The person who is dialing to a mobile phone cannot have the information as to where exactly the other person is
    • It is expensive

    Mobile phone etiquette and safety device

    • Mobile phones can be expensive and are an easy target for thieves. You should activate the lock feature which requires a PIN
    • If you take a video or photo of someone on your phone, you should ask for their permission before you upload it to a public domain
    • Try to avoid using phones in quiet places e.g quiet coaches on trains and in libraries.
    • Recycle your old phone if you can.
    • As on the Internet, you should avoid viewing content that is unsuitable for your age range
    • You should not send malicious messages or make prank calls. This could lead to the police charging you with harassment.
    • When you are driving a vehicle, it is illegal to talk on the phone without a hands-free kit.
    • You should activate the keypad lock on your phone to prevent
    source Edexcel GCSE Student book ICT

    Wednesday 17 October 2012

    There are different phones available for different purposes

    These can be different shapes and have the ability to be customised, e.g change the fascias. Buttons   may be in odd places and may be inconvenient to use. They can be bright colours and higly designed, appealing to the fashion-conscious larger.

    BUSINESS PHONES These use a slim, sleek design, usually in black ir metallic colours. They have large screens and an intergrated , full qwerty keyboard.
    Feautures often include speaker phone, voice-activated dialling, the ability to synchronise it with other devices like netbooks and laptops, large screens to enable work on data files, GPS to get the user to unfamiliar destinations with ease, camera, personal digital assistant (PDA), and 3G compatibility for internet access- allowing users to carry one device rather than many.

    These combine both style and business features, appealing to the mass market than niche. They have the best of both worlds: high-spec feauture, large amounts of storage, high-speed processing, slim design with touch screens and access to the internet.
    Edxcel GCES ICT Students Book
    Task 1.3

    Your friends want to a copy of a photo you took on a day out in London.
    It is common to send images between phones via MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service or text with a photo attached), but imagine that this service is down and you cannot use this method.
    Your task is to send the photo from your phone (A) to all your friends phones without using MMS.
    During different ways getting the picture to each of the phones using only the features specified in the table below

                    Edxcel GCSE IT Student Book

    Research all image file types and explain the major differences and option 

    JPEG File
    In computing JPEG is a commonly method of lossy compression of digital photography (image)

    GIF File
    GIF file format commonly used for graphics presented on websites. GIFs can contain maximum of 256 colors, and are therefore best of images that contain simple shapes, a limited color palette, text and other elements as opposed to photos. GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format.
    GIF Files have the file extension .gif. GIF files are compressed using "lossless"  compression, meaning image quality is not sacrificed as file reduces. However, if you save images with many colors GIF files with a limited  color palette you will notice a reduction in quality. This is most obvious in photos.
    Unlike JPG files, GIF files support transparent backgrounds. This allows GIF files to blend with website background colors. However, since pixels can only be 100% transparent or 100% opaque, you cannot use them for partial transparency, drop shadows, and similar effects. To achieve that, PNG files are best.

    BMP File

    BMP is one of a number of file formats used to store digital images. The bmp format was developed by Microsoft for Windows and all programs created for use in the Windows environment will recognize .bmp image files. The BMP file is a bitmap file which produces images from hundreds of small pixels of color. Little dots of different colors when combined together will produce the image which can easily be loaded from most web sites.
    BMP files can be quite large and are not always practical for home use. The file will offer great detail because of its size but images saved in this format can quickly eat up a hard drives space. The typical uncompressed BMP file is ten times the size of a similar JPEG file which is compressed to make the image easier to store or transmit over the internet. If you are scanning photographs, JPEG is a much better choice than BMP for storage.

    PNG File
    Portable Network Graphics  is a bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression PNG was created to improve upon and replace GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) as an image-file format not requiring a patent license.
    PNG supports palette-based images (with palettes of 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA colors), grayscale  images (with or without alpha channel), and full-color non-palette-based RGB[A] images (with or without alpha channel). PNG was designed for transferring images on the Internet, not for professional-quality print graphics, and therefore does not support non-RGB color spaces  such as CMYK.
    PNG files nearly always use file extension PNG or png and are assigned MIME media type image/png; it was approved for this use by the Internet Engineering Steering Group on 14 October 1996. PNG was published as an ISO/IEC standard in 2004.

    PNG transparency demonstration 1.png

    TIFF File
    TIFF is the short form of Tagged Image File Format . TIFF was developed by the Aldus Corporation in collaboration with various other contributors in 1986. It is a bitmapped image format that supports various resolutions. A TIFF file contains descriptive information about the image. A TIFF file is identified by a .tiff or a .tif file extension.
    TIFF file formats are used for storing very large, high quality images. TIFF is the favored image format in many graphic applications. These include image manipulation programs, desktop publishing and 3-D imaging applications. Other applications that use TIFF is optical recognition software and scanning and faxing applications. A TIFF version called GeoTIFF is used to store geo-referenced raster imagery.
    A TIFF file can have a maximum size of 4GB. This file size limitation is one of the drawbacks of TIFF. To get around it and to exceed the size boundary, the creation of a new TIFF file format called the BigTIFF file format has been proposed.

    WMF File
    Windows Metafile (WMF) is a graphics file format on Microsoft Windows  systems, originally designed in the 1990s. Windows Metafiles are intended to be portable between applications and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components. It acts in a similar manner to SVG Files.
    Essentially, a WMF file stores a list of function calls that have to be issued to the Windows Graphics  Device Interface  (GDI) layer to display an image on screen. Since some GDI functions accept pointers to callback functions  for error handling  , a WMF file may erroneously include executable code.

    EMF File
    EMF is a file extension for Enhanced Metalfile  , a spool file format used in printing by the Windows operating system.
    When a print job is sent to the printer , if it is already printing another file, the computer reads the new file and stores it, usually on the hard disk or in memory , for printing at a later time. EMF files may be created and reside in memory or disk space when windows caches them while waiting on another printing job. Spooling allows multiple print jobs to be given to the printer at one time.