Wednesday 14 November 2012

  • High possibility of learning disorders, because this system let students to learn independently, causing the lazy students pnly receive materials from students who deligently seek information. For example teacher put some note in blog and let student read and take a note from there.
  • The facilities are still insufficient, especially in rural areas who do not have basic amenities and student from poor family didnt have a pc or connection to the internet. Si it also make learning process difficult.
  • Learning does not occur in a face to face or two way communication, even it happened, in a very little situation.
  • Lack of control of the instructor. student doing their homework by themeself. While surfing, they have also access to other website and not doing their homework better.
  • Students can create problems themselves by signing up for online classes without having the basics such as an email address or an account with an Iinternet Service Provider.
  • Internet students are put at a disadvantage when it comes to networking and forming new relationships. Students can get to know each other over the net however it does not replace the bond that is formed from face-to-face meetings.
  • Higher prices for Interenet based learning can discourage students from this method of learning. Actually comaprisons of different colleges have proven that some institutions are chrging students twice the tuition to do Internet courses. Standford unicersity is known for charging its online students $45,000 in tuition compared to $26,000 for an engineering master's degree.

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